The future of the bunker

What is the future of this former military complex?

The area of the former backup amplification station of the Přáslavice bunker is not a “dead” military brownfield. Conversely. The whole complex under the direction of Flenexa plus s.r.o., which is its owner, is gradually coming to life. It is transforming into a place where people live, work and spend their free time. The Přáslavice bunker is a living organism that pulsates with energy and shows that even former military sites can have a bright future.

We understood the importance of returning places with history to their original meaning and at the same time working and inventing projects for their new and sustainable use. We are trying to build not only an industrial complex in Přáslavice near Olomouc, but also a place to live, an important tourist destination and a centre for research into advanced methods of agricultural production and energy.

We plan to improve and promote it so that it becomes a sought-after place for visitors from all over the world. After all, would you expect that a place that once served as a secret bunker is now home to, among other things, a vertical aquaponic farm, which represents a modern form of agriculture? That the bunker literally has “green intestines”?

Vertical aquaponic farms

In part of the bunker there is an aquaponic farm. Aquaponics is a modern form of agriculture, where fish and plants coexist in one system. Fish supply nutrients for plants and they use them to grow in an indoor or outdoor vertical farm.

You can read more about the possibilities of vertical aquaponic farms on the website.

Carbon-neutral and energy self-sufficient complex

Under the management of Flenexa plus s.r.o., the owner of the entire complex, the entire area is slowly changing. The company’s goal is to make it an example of transformation and show how a carbon-neutral and energy-self-sufficient complex can be created and operate.

We invest massively in sustainable technologies, renewable resources and energy savings. Examples include PV plants for use within the complex, water-to-water heat pumps using the original bunker infrastructure and the overall restoration of the original infrastructure.

Modern technologies of material recovery of waste

The issue of waste and the circular economy is nowadays very much discussed. We do not take this issue lightly and try to contribute to its solution. We bring the most modern ways of material recovery of waste and its transformation into usable products.

It is in the former army complex that these goals have their place and show another direction to bring these often dead brownfields to life.

If you want to experience the unique atmosphere of this building, do not hesitate to visit us.