Frequent questions
About Purchase
Is it possible to pay in cash on the spot?
No. Všechny vstupenky prodáváme skrze online prodej na našich webových stránkách. Pokud přijedete na prohlídku bez vstupenky, můžete si ji ještě na poslední chvíli zakoupit online. Vystavujete se riziku, že již nebude volná kapacita.
Can I change the date of the tour?
We sell tickets for a specific date. You can change it buy for an additional fee. Změnu termínu je nutné provést nejpozději do 24 hodin před původním termínem prohlídky.
What if I want a tour for a group on a different date than the one published?
In that case, we Contact us with your requirements. Běžně děláme prohlídky i v pracovní dny. Vše je možné dohodnout.
About the building
What is the temperature inside the bunker?
The temperature inside is around 15 – 17 °C all year round.
Where can I park?
Free parking is directly on the premises. Nebojte se projet zákazem vjezdu a zaparkovat přímo před objektem.
Is it possible to buy refreshments?
Ano. Automat na kávu a další nápoje spolu s automatem na drobné občerstvení najdete v chodbě v návštěvnickém centru.
Where exactly does the tour start?
Your guide will pick you up at the start time of the tour at the entrance to the building. Je označen cedulí s nápisem “Bunker tour”.
About the tour
Can I take photos inside the bunker?
Yes. During the tour, you can take photos for personal use.
Can I make a video?
No. It is not allowed to make any audiovisual or audio recording during the tours.
Is the tour physically demanding?
The tour leads to four underground floors. Everything needs to be climbed by stairs, we do not have an elevator available.
Can an elderly person handle the tour?
Yes. Even older people with average physical condition can handle the visit without difficulty.
Can I bring my children with me?
Yes. Participation Please consider small children under 6 years of age, as the tour may not be fun and may be long for them.
How is it with pets?
Pets are not allowed. Please leave the dogs at home.